
# Pezipájaro es una empresa de producciones especiales que desarrolla proyectos de cualquier índole aplicando criterios y pretensiones artísticas indistintamente del objeto que se trate.

fish&bird # poisson&oiseaux # fisch&vogel

# Fishandbird is a special production company that develops projects of any kind using artsy criteria regardless of the object concerned. # Poissonetoiseaux est une société de production spéciale qui développe des projets de toute nature et artsy critères à l'aide indépendamment de l'objetconcerné. # Fischundvogel ist eine spezielle Produktionsfirma, die Projekte jeder Art undkünstlerisch mit Hilfe von Kriterien, unabhängig von dem betreffenden Objektentwickelt.


Lámparas construidas artesanalmente a partir de piezas de vehículos, serie numerada de objetos construidos con el mismo concepto, aunque no hay dos lámparas iguales.

series limitadas
limited series




"Fish & Bird"
They bought a round for the sailor
And they heard his tale
Of a world that was so far away
And a song that we'd never heard
A song of a little bird
That fell in love with a whale
He said, 'You cannot live in the ocean'
And she said to him
'You never can live in the sky'
But the ocean is filled with tears
And the sea turns into a mirror
There's a whale in the moon when it's clear
And a bird on the tide
Please don't cry
Let me dry your eyes
So tell me that you will wait for me
Hold me in your arms
I promise we never will part
I'll never sail back to the time
But I'll always pretend you're mine
Though I know that we both must part
You can live in my heart
Please don't cry
Let me dry your eyes
And tell me that you will wait for me
Hold me in your arms
I promise we never will part
I'll never sail back to the time
But I'll always pretend that you're mine
I know that we both must part
You can live in my heart

(Tom Waits/Kathleen Brennan)

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